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What Can Happen If You Leave Impacted Canine Tooth

X-rays taken by your dentist can reveal the existence of an impacted tooth. If this is discovered during one of your appointments, you may feel unsure about what you should do to address it. You may even doubt whether such a thing is serious enough to warrant treatment.

Your canine teeth play a significant role in breaking apart food. But not all your teeth can erupt like they ought to. Problems arise when teeth are not positioned correctly beside the incisors or when there is improper spacing. These teeth can occasionally become impacted, which prevents them from fully emerging through the gums. The safest course of action is to get in touch with our dental surgeon to assist with impacted canines in Leduc. More severe difficulties may arise if you choose to ignore it.

General Canine Tooth Information

If you overcrowd, your canines could not erupt properly or at all. The tooth can break through your dental arch. There are instances where the impacted tooth stays in the jawbone above the neighbouring tooth. Conversely, it is possible that you have an impacted canine in front of your dental arch. Furthermore, impacted upper canines are more common than impacted lower canines.

Failing to attend to a canine that is affected may have the following negative consequences:

1. Unattractive Aesthetics

One less severe consequence of an impacted tooth is that it affects the appearance of your smile. In particular, when a canine tooth does not erupt, the affected location is left with either an awkwardly small primary tooth or a gap between the existing permanent teeth.

However, in many instances, these aesthetic problems are indicators of a far larger condition. If a dentist near Alexandra Park is not consulted further, an impacted canine tooth may go unnoticed.

2. Misalignment and Damage to Neighbouring Teeth

A normal physiological process known as tooth root resorption takes place when the body progressively breaks down and absorbs the tissue that surrounds the tooth. Typically, children’s baby tooth roots disintegrate to create space for permanent adult teeth through a process called tooth root resorption.

The way a canine tooth becomes impacted and resorbed can affect other dental problems as well, such as misaligning and harming other teeth like the upper lateral incisors, upper central incisors, and first premolars.

Future orthodontic treatment may be necessary due to misalignment, which can have an impact on other permanent teeth

3. Early Wear and Tear

The functionality of the entire mouth is compromised when a canine tooth refuses to erupt regularly. When chewing, the canine teeth are actively involved. Impacted canines put additional strain on the remaining teeth and accelerate the eroding of other permanent teeth.

4. Periodontal Disease and Tooth Decay

Oral germs love the moist, dark environment found in the mouth. When a canine tooth that is impacted causes a gap in the mouth, bacteria can grow there. Cavities and periodontal disease become serious dental health issues if bacterial overgrowth occurs.

5. Abnormal Expansion

In the event that fluid builds up on top of an impacted tooth, a dentigerous cyst develops. Dental professionals do not yet know the exact source of the fluid accumulation, although impacted teeth are more likely to develop a dentigerous cyst.

When a cyst forms around the crown of an impacted canine tooth, it can cause adjacent teeth to shift out of position. Dentigerous cysts have the occasional tendency to resorb the jawbone, which makes the bone brittle and may even result in pathological fractures. You can consult your dentist near you to learn more about this.

Give Our Leduc Dental Centre a Call

Treatment effectiveness for an impacted canine tooth depends on early detection. So, the first step to a successful course of treatment is to get in touch with our experts and ask for a consultation. Don’t give it a second thought! Contact us.

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