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Dental Exams and Cleanings in Leduc

Dental Exams and Cleanings Near You

When you visit your local dentist for a routine checkup and cleaning, often, you’ll find that these two treatments are combined into one appointment. On average, these types of visits last no longer than an hour or so; you’ll be able to carry on with the rest of your day in no time.


To learn more about dental exams and cleanings near you, please contact our dental office when you can.

Dental Exam

What Happens in a Dental Exam

Step 1: A physical assessment of your teeth and gums.

During this step, your dentist will use a round mirror to examine your smile from several angles. They’ll look for signs of gum disease and decay. They’ll also check any artificial structures you have like fillings or crowns, to see how they’re faring.


Step 2: Oral cancer assessment.

Alongside examining your actual smile for this, your dentist will evaluate the bottom and top of your oral cavity, the skin of your cheeks, and feel along your jaw and even down your neck for any abnormal patches of skin or lumps.


Step 3: X-rays.

Traditional x-rays incorporate film, but modern x-ray machines utilize computerized systems that generate digital images. Regardless of how, these captures allow your dentist to identify any potential issues below your gums and with your bones.

What Happens During a Dental Cleaning

Step 1: Removing the plaque and tartar from your smile.

An instrument called a scaler is employed to scrape away any colonies of debris on the surface of your teeth and along your gum line.


Step 2: Brushing and flossing.

Your dentist will brush and floss for you; if you experience any minimal bleeding, this may be an indication that you need to do this more frequently. Sometimes you’ll be able to choose the flavor of toothpaste used.


Step 3: Polishing.

Next up, your smile will be fully polished. This helps address issues of discoloration.


Step 4: Fluoride treatment.

Last but certainly not least is the fluoride application. Whether it’s a paintable varnish, a liquid you swish, or a gel-like foam, it will sit on your upper and lower teeth for 1 minute. You can spit and rinse afterward.


Should you have any questions about receiving dental exams and cleanings in Leduc, always be sure to let your dental team know so they can keep you comfortable.

Visit Our Clinic

Here at Leduc Dental Centre, we provide oral health treatments to anyone who needs them. We happily accept walk-ins and new patients and look forward to welcoming returning ones.


If you’re ready to get started and book appointments for dental exams and cleanings near you for you and your family, call or send us an email today!

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